How To Save an Email as a PDF on Android and iPhone

Nowadays users use many formats and ways to save their documents, but in this technologically smart world, today the PDF format is preferred mainly to keep and protect the document safely whether it is a computer system or a smartphone. If you want to download an email and save it as a PDF, then you can easily do it.

To Save an Email as a PDF on Android
To save an email successfully as a PDF, users have to follow these steps:
1. Launch Gmail with the help of Gmail app installed on your Android phone.
2. Now touch the message that you wish to save.
3. Now press three-dotted button usually present on your mobile screen on the upper right side.
4. Now tap on “print” button present near the lower part of the menu option.
5. Then touch the down-arrow present on the upper-left corner of your Android screen.
6. Now tap on “Save as PDF.”
7. Press the PDF button near the top-right edge of the mobile screen.
8. Then select a location to save. In case you are unable to find an index of files and folders, then press the menu icon at the upper-left edge of the screen window. Click on the internal and external storage, then tap a folder.
9. Now press the “Save” button. It is at the lower-right edge of your screen. You will see that your email has been saved to the desired folder.
To Save an Email As a PDF on iPhone
1. Open your Gmail App. It usually on the home screen of your iPhone with an envelope icon.
2. Now touch the mail you wish to save.
3. Here you have to hit on the left-directed arrow at the base of the screen. After doing this, a menu shall open.
4. Now press on “Print” button at the base of the page. It will launch the “Printer Options” screen.
5. You have to place two of your fingers simultaneously on the image of your message to let it zoom in, and then expand both the fingers apart over your screen. Then a message will pop-up informing of PDF images.
6. Now press the ‘upload’ icon located on the upper right corner of your screen.
7. Press “Save to Files” button. It is present at the base of the menu. It enables you to expand your file browser.
8. Now choose a folder to save your file as PDF.
9. Touch on “Add” button located at the upper-right corner of the phone screen, and it will save your message to a PDF file in your selected folder.

Edward Lewis is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at

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